Our Team

Werner Vondrak
Managing Partner
Werner oversees the sales and marketing as well as the company focus and direction at VLXPro, ensuring the smooth running of project management across the company, as well as coaching technical staff by utilizing his extensive tech background and skills.
He previously founded CompuTrain where he held roles as a software designer, software programmer, training curriculum developer, business analyst, application specialist, virtualization specialist, small business server engineer and president. As a consulting expert, Werner has helped countless companies with their IT operational needs.
With a multitude of Microsoft technical and sales certifications, Werner brings to his role over 30 years' worth of tech industry related experience in a variety of skilled positions.
Away from the office, Werner is father to two remarkable children, loves to play tennis and has won national level singles tournaments. He is also involved with several charitable organizations including St. Joachim Catholic Church and the Humanities Ministry at St. Louis Church where he has helped feed and house over 1,000 people per year. He currently works with Business Network International (BNI) where he has served in various roles.