As the saying goes: Out with the old, in with the new. That’s exactly what Microsoft is encouraging Windows 7 users to do as soon as possible. It’s been reported that Windows 7 in 2017 is so outdated that patches are unable to secure it anymore. Maybe it’s the nostalgic qualities that make it hard […]
The countdown begins for Windows 7 users
3 Reminders for HIPAA compliance in 2017
Even if notable punishments and fines for HIPAA non-compliance have only been doled out over the last 6 years, data privacy regulations have been around for 14. And with each passing year, these rules evolve in ways that make it near impossible to keep up without an expert on hand. As we kick off 2017, […]
Browsers leak sensitive info to hackers
The Autofill feature fills a void in the web browsing habits of many. It eliminates the need to enter all your details when logging on your social media accounts or when checking out your basket after e-shopping. On Chrome and Safari browsers, however, danger lurks when you rely too much on autofill. Without knowing it, […]
Why your business needs CRM
The right technology investment can lead to business success. With customer relationship management (CRM) software at the helm of your sales and marketing efforts, you can nurture long-lasting business relationships and improve your bottom line. If you need a little bit more convincing, we’ve compiled five more reasons why your business needs CRM. Grows with […]
Fruitfly: the latest Apple malware
For decades, Apple has enjoyed a reputation of being nearly invulnerable to threats of malware. That may be an exaggeration, but there is a bit of truth to it. However, if you’re using Apple devices in your organization, you can’t afford to take this exaggeration for granted. We’re only just easing into 2017 and we’ve […]
G Suite launches new features
Tech giant Google has always listened to customer feedback to make continuous improvements to its powerful suite of applications. And in the most recent case, Google Cloud’s G Suite has introduced five new updates. What do they include and are they worth getting excited about? Basic Mobile Management G Suite’s Basic Mobile Management offers an […]
Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service
When you picture cloud computing and printing devices, you might think of endless copies of clouds flying out of the printer. But that analogy wouldn’t quite apply for Google’s Cloud Print service, though. This cloud-computing hybrid allows you to access both regular and internet-enabled printers through the Internet. What are the benefits? Are they worth […]
An old virus gets a new shot at virtualization
Virtualizing your desktops comes with a number of benefits, one of which is improved security. Unfortunately, nothing perfect lasts forever, and the virtualization industry is facing a frightening new form of malware. Although this threat is nothing more than a facelift on an old virus, it is just as dangerous as it was the first […]
Simplify calendar sharing with Office 365
Knowing your friend’s schedules comes in handy when you’re trying to arrange a reunion, and the same can be said for businesses. Through calendar sharing, employees can simultaneously arrange meetings, prioritize projects and set schedules for contacting customers. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Recently, Microsoft made changes to its calendar sharing function […]
5 great voice commands for Google Now
Google Now has been around for years, but the service still doesn’t have the name recognition of Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa. Considering that it is delivered on nearly every new Android device, it’s a crime that it doesn’t get more use. For a crash course in some of Google’s best AI-powered voice-commands, take a […]