Unlocking the power of cloud computing in healthcare

Delivering high-quality patient care is a primary goal for any healthcare practice. Cloud computing supports this goal by offering reliability, convenience, and security. Here are the key benefits cloud computing offers to healthcare practices. Effortless access to patient information Gone are the days of searching through mountains of paperwork. Cloud-based electronic medical records put patient […]

Blockchain and healthcare: What you need to know

Innovations in technology can have surprising significance outside the purpose it was originally designed to fulfill. Such is the case with blockchain, a technology that was initially developed to secure cryptocurrency transactions. Now, blockchain is being applied across numerous sectors, including healthcare. Read this article to learn more about blockchain, how it works, and its […]

How to safeguard protected health information

Protected health information (PHI) includes medical records, lab results, diagnoses, treatment plans, and payment details. As healthcare continues to move toward digital platforms and data sharing, it is crucial to have the following measures in place to safeguard PHI from cyberattacks. Perform regular risk assessments To keep PHI safe, healthcare organizations must identify potential vulnerabilities […]

The verdict on EHRs: Is the shift from paper records in healthcare worth it?

In recent years, there has been a significant push toward digitizing healthcare records. The traditional method of using paper charts and files to store patient information is quickly becoming outdated, with more and more healthcare providers making the switch to electronic health records (EHRs). But is this shift worth it? Are EHRs truly more valuable […]

Harnessing big data to minimize hospital readmissions

For decades, hospital readmissions have plagued healthcare systems, draining resources and impacting patient well-being. But a transformative power is emerging: big data. No longer just a buzzword, it’s becoming a potent weapon in the fight against readmissions, empowering healthcare professionals to design proactive interventions, from targeted preventative measures to personalized post-discharge care plans. Read on […]

Transforming healthcare: The pros of telemedicine

Telemedicine has completely changed how healthcare professionals care for patients, becoming a driving force in the modern healthcare landscape. This article dives deep into the powerful impact of telemedicine, unpacking its many benefits that open the door to a new era of healthcare that’s easier to reach and more efficient. By exploring this topic, you’ll […]

HIPAA and IT: The 4 key factors

There is a reason medical records are regarded as confidential. In addition to general respect for privacy, their illicit disclosure has caused social stigma and job discrimination for patients. In order to protect patient privacy, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted, granting patients final say over access to their health records. […]

Transforming healthcare with mobile device management

From streamlining patient care to optimizing administrative processes, mobile technology has revolutionized how healthcare companies operate. However, with this advancement comes the critical responsibility of managing these devices effectively. This is where mobile device management (MDM) steps in, offering a comprehensive solution for healthcare business owners to ensure security, compliance, and operational efficiency. What is […]

3 Ways AI revolutionizing the healthcare industry

The more technology advances, the more it streamlines how businesses operate, including those in the field of healthcare. The development of more complex artificial intelligences (AIs) has made it easier for healthcare professionals to access data and manage the care of their patients. The same AI developments allow people to have more tools to better […]

The impact of technology on the healthcare industry

The integration of technology into healthcare practices has paved the way for groundbreaking innovations, enhanced patient care, and streamlined processes. From telemedicine and electronic health records to artificial intelligence (AI) and wearable devices, let’s take a look at some of the technologies shaping modern healthcare. Telemedicine Telemedicine is a game-changer in the healthcare industry, especially […]