Huge Apple developments in 2018

Apple is most famous for releasing a new iPhone every year, but that’s not all users should be excited about. Many experts predict that in the coming year the tech powerhouse will introduce some incredible new products. Here are some of the most exciting announcement Apple could make in 2018. Three new iPhones Just like […]

Essential macOS High Sierra updates

The macOS 10.13.1 High Sierra update “improves the security, stability, and reliability of your Mac and is recommended for all users.” This is a standard message in most operating system updates, but users seldom pay heed. This time, however, Apple’s latest Mac OS includes a security update that’s essential to keeping your devices safe from […]

How does Apple Pay work and is it secure?

Apple Pay is a way for iPhone and iWatch users to make credit card payments using only their mobile device. Although it’s incredibly simple to use, some small businesses are worried about whether accepting these digital payments will add to their data security burdens. However, once you understand how it works, you’ll see just how […]

macOS High Sierra gives away your password

A glaring security mistake has been discovered in Apple’s most recent desktop operating system. It’s not the sort of vulnerability that requires complicated malware or IT knowledge; anyone can learn this exploit in a matter of minutes to steal your password. Here’s how to stop that from happening. What is the bug? The vulnerability pertains […]

Major updates to Apple’s macOS High Sierra

macOS High Sierra, Apple’s newest desktop operating system, aims to enhance current features, fix problems, and improve overall user experience. A long list of refinements await iMac and MacBook users, but here are the ones businesses will find most useful. Greater speed and efficiency The improved Photos app is getting most of the attention in […]

Apple released a new iPhone and so much more!

10 years after the first iPhone was announced, Apple’s keynote addresses are still global events. This year’s slate of fall releases included a lot more than incremental updates to the company’s flagship device. Regardless of whether your next Apple purchase is coming out of a personal or company budget, you’ll want to know what’s new. […]

Benefits of virtualizing Windows on your Mac

A common reason for running the Windows operating system (OS) on a Mac computer is to bypass compatibility issues. Virtualization is the only way to efficiently install OS-specific software on any machine, so let’s go over some of the ways this solution creates synergy between the two platforms. Configure an entire machine with a few […]