Android features you won’t find in iOS 11

Apple’s iOS 11 will be released later this year, but many Android users might not willingly trade in their device for an iPhone. Even with its key productivity features like Files, drag-and-drop functionality, a more enterprise-friendly user interface, and sleek new design changes, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system is missing a few […]

6 Mac security tips and tricks

Although well aware of its importance, users still overlook Mac security. This might be excusable if you’re using your device just to watch cooking shows or to experiment with PhotoBooth, but not if it’s being used in day-to-day business operations. Deter internal and external threats from compromising your device with these tips: The basics Let’s […]

Mac HandBreak downloads infected by Trojan

macOS version of HandBrake, an open-source video transcoding software that converts multimedia files into various formats, was recently infected with a Trojan. According to HandBreak’s announcement, if you downloaded the app between May 2 (14:30 UTC) and May 6 (11:00 UTC), there’s a 50% chance that your system got infected. Read on to find out […]

Mac Pro gets revamped

Mac Pro users have long awaited the release date of the new workstation, and who could blame them when the current model has been available since 2013. Thankfully, Apple just confirmed that the revamped Mac Pro is on its way. From specs, features, and design changes, here’s the latest information we have about Apple’s high-end […]

Is the government really spying on you?

Wikileaks, the website that anonymously publishes leaked information, recently released a number of documents alleging widespread surveillance by the US government. The released documents claim that the vast majority of these efforts took place via smartphones, messaging apps and…TVs? Let’s see just how worrisome they really are. What devices and apps are supposedly vulnerable? Wikileaks […]